Goat Sale Page will be launched Wednesday 4/5/23 at 12noon

Good evening! You are receiving this message because you are part of Old Glory Farm’s goat waitlist. All participants will receive a link via text/message to the FOR SALE page WEDNESDAY 4/5/23 between 12:00noon – 12:20pm in the order they joined the waitlist.

ONCE THE LINK IS SHARED: In order to reserve a goat/goats, you must text Emily 919-271-7286 with the goat name (s) – ex “P2 Doeling” or “Annabelle” depending how each is listed) – and set an appointment to:

  1. bring a $100 non-refundable cash/check deposit for each goat to hold until the youngest is weaned at 8-10 weeks old, OR
  2. pick up the goat(s) (as bottle babies upon request)

We will have available:

  • Several goat kids, males and females. Males $350+, Females $550+ (+$50 for each trait: Blue Eyes, Polled, and/or Moonspots) – ADGA Registration available for most. Available as bottle babies by request.
  • One 4-year-old doe in milk with partial loss of production. Friendly, good production on the “good side” ADGA registered. $500 Available for immediate pickup.
  • One potentially-bred 10-month-old doe. Pretty wild but will come close for food. I just don’t have the time to make her friendly. ADGA registered, will come with a service memo if requested. $400 Available for immediate pickup.
  • Two sterile does, 2 & 3 years old. Pretty wild. No ADGA regisration available. Would be great for meat or land clearing. $250 each. Available for immediate pickup.


Reservations are made on a first-come, first-serve basis once the page is launched. **SORRY for the complicated way we are doing goat sales this Spring – hoping to streamline this in the future.**

Here is a link to the sales policy information: http://oldgloryfarmnc.com/2023-goat-sales-policy

As always, please reach out with any questions!


Emily 919-271-7286